The One with the Bad Dreams

23 Jan

It’s 2:41AM right now and I’m not in bed yet.  Partially because I’m such a n00b at navigating wordpress and I’ve been trying to figure everything out for the past hour and partially because I know that once I nod off into dreamland I’ll be transported to a dark and unkind world where the theme is: Our Wedding Gone Wrong!

Awful Dream #1: Last night, for example, I had an unnerving dream about the day of.  Not quite distressing or fear-inducing, just unnerving.  I dreamt that the futhubs and I had just finished the ceremony, which may or may not have been completely lovely– I don’t remember.  Basically, we were supposed to take family pictures immediately but my dad’s side of the family went missing.  And then my mom’s side went missing.  And I spent the entire hour running around, looking for all of them only to find out we had no more time for any pictures whatsoever.  I think I was about to sink to the ground in despondent, sweaty resignation when I woke up.

Awful Dream #2: This was a couple of weeks ago.  I dreamt that we were running 2-3 hours late on the day of because we couldn’t find my dad, who will be officiating our wedding.  I ran around the venue looking for him like a chicken with its head cut off– much to the surprise and disapproval of all my parents’ friends.  And then the futhubs started yelling at me in front of everyone because it was somehow all my fault that my dad was MIA.  I was so humiliated; I just stared at him wide-eyed until he turned on his heel and left.  The dream ended with me numbly trying to tell my guests that he’d be back without believing it at all myself.

Yesterday the futhubs told me that he had his first bad dream about the wedding too.  (Also, I refuse to call them nightmares because I feel like that would mean I’m letting these dreams terrify me.  And I’m not!  I refuse!)  The futhubs’ Awful Dream: It involved our ceremony going through with neither of our immediate families being present.  He said that all he remembers is the recessional; once we walked to the end of the aisle we slowly looked at one another and started to cry.

My days are filled with so many wedding details and hypothetical things going wrong already.  It’s so frustrating that my nights have been taken over by dreams about it too.  Can’t a bride catch a break?  Even the futhubs has gotten dragged into it.  Le sigh.

Have you had any crazy dreams about your wedding?  Any tips on how to will yourself into kinder dreams at night?  Help a sista out!  Please!

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